Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 2/28/22

Year: 2022

Journal of Aviation and Space Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by University of Turkish Aeronautical Association that aims to pass on its experience in the field of aviation to the next generations. Intending to be the first journal to do interdisciplinary studies in the field of aviation, the main objective of JASS is to deliver the aviation related studies in an interdisciplinary platform for those who are concerned. In order to achieve this goal, its area of expertise, aviation and space science being in the first place, aviation-oriented studies in engineering sciences, basic sciences and social sciences are placed in the journal. 

Journal of Aviation and Space Studies is an open access online-published journal. Author(s) or the readers are not charging a fee. Applying a double-blind process, this journal embraces the highest standards for publication transparency and publication ethic.

JASS invites original research and review papers.

Manuscripts sent to Journal of Aviation and Science Studies should be in accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition in terms of its references, footnotes and bibliography.


Manuscript Writing Rules

1.      The articles sent to journal should consist minimum 3.000 words and they must not exceed 8000 words.

2.      The articles should be typed in Turkish and English, in A4 paper size including the tables and figures with line spacing in 1,5 and 11-point type in “Garamond” font.

3.      There should be 3.5 cm margins on each side. The article should be left-aligned with zero binding margins. Paragraphs shall begin with 1.25 cm indent. Footnotes shall be typed in 9-point type in “Garamond” font with 1.0 line spacing. Articles will be returned to the author(s) after the pre-review if they do not comply with the figure rules and content of the journal and they will not be presented to referees for review.

4.      The figures, graphics and tables of the submitted articles should comply with the format of the journal. Footnotes, figures, graphics and tables should be placed on the same or the proceeding page of the citations. The notes under the graphics and tables should aim explaining these materials thoroughly without making the reader see the main text. The tables on the text must not be in the form of a software output, and the author(s) must tabulate the findings manually. Tables should be edited to fit the A4 paper size. Graphics as well should not be in the form of a computer software output, and as a drawing or image; they shall be edited to fit the A4 paper size.

5.      Journal of Aviation and Science Studies (JASS) is published in Turkish and English. All the submitted articles must have a Turkish tittle, Turkish abstract as well as an English title and English abstract at the top. Abstracts must not exceed 200-250 words. Abstract should contain information about the purpose, methodology, findings and results of the study. Below the abstracts, keywords must be given in both Turkish and English. Author(s) should not use abbreviations in the abstract. In Turkish articles the Turkish abstract and in English articles, the English abstract must come first.

6.      All articles must follow the manuscript writing rules stated in “The publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition)”.

Referencing and Citation Styles According to APA 6th edition


APA in the Text


- When referring to an entire work, the (author’s last name, year) is included, e.g.  (Öztürk, 2004).

-When referring to part of a work (e.g. a page, paragraph or chapter in a book), the page number is also included, e.g. (Köker, 1998: 42).

- References with the same first author are given as (Zizek, 2009a) and (Zizek, 2009b).

-If a work has two-five authors, all authors are cited the first time, (Kejanlıoğlu, Adaklı ve Çelenk, 2004), and from then on only the last name of the first author is included (Kejanlıoğlu et al., 2004).

- When referring to a work with two authors, both authors’ last names are cited. If a work has more than two authors, all authors are cited the first time, and from then on only the last name of the first author is included.

Gregory, Agar, Lock and Harris (2007) state that getting interested in science is a new way of public relations for private sector. (...) Gregory et al., argue that this way the companies maintain their reputations (2007: 212).

-If there are more than six authors, only the last name of the first author is cited at the first citation as well (Abisel et al., 2005).

-Where your source quotes or refers to another source, the citation might read thus: (Zizek, as cited in Sancar, 2009). Only Sancar will appear in the Reference list.

-If the original date is known, classical books are cited as: (Marx, date of the original work / date of the used book or article)

-When referencing a quotation from an original work triple dot (...) is used to show the removed words. Other short quotations are put in double quotation marks:

Indeed, one researcher commented that “technological innovations have saved or extended the lives of many patients” (Lumby, 2001, p. 44).

-Quotations that are more than 40 words are referenced in quotes with single line spacing, 10-point type and not italicized.

-Abbreviations are given in parenthesis in the text only the first time. For example, “Eventually in 1957, International Monetary Fund (IMF) was referred to pay the international debts. This loan has made the IMF and important figure of the Turkish economy.

-When referring from an anonymous resource, it is appropriate to cite as it is on references with a part of heading included.

For example: In Turkey, the academics in the field of social sciences have had a better chance to find international scholarships to complete their higher education (“Turkey’s Science Academia Report”, 2005:20).

-Usage of numbers: When starting a sentence numerical statements are given with words.

For example:

Twenty of the forty-five thesis (...) was based on text analysis, and the remaining 15 theses were about politics of economy.

-The footnotes in the text are included at the bottom of the page and enumerated.

-If there is only one appendix of the text, it is entitled, italicized and cited in the text as Appendix. If there are more than one, they are lettered and aligned as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. The appendices coming at the end of the text should be titled. They should be stated with their labels in the main text.

For example:

When the masters and the doctorate thesis about the news made in Turkey are examined (Appendix A and Appendix B) starting form 19902, it is seen that they all focus on representation, ideology and discourse issues.


The heading format valid for in-text heading and subheading sequencing is 5 levelled in APA. If your text is complex and voluminous with many subheadings, use level 1, level 2, and level 3 headings. If your text is complex but it does not need subheadings, use level 1, and level 2 heading formats.








APA Format


Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings


Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading


     Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period.


Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period.


Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period.



APA in Reference List

-Reference list should have a single line spacing, 10-point type and a single space between references. All references shall be left-aligned with 1.25 cm indent on the first line. If there is more than one work by the same author, they are ordered by publication date – oldest to newest. The works with the same date are ordered using the letters, e.g. 2000a, 2000b.

-If there are any, the DOI numbers of the journals are included.

For example:

Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective Influences on the Attentional Dynamics Supporting Awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, 258–281. doi:10.1037/0096- 3445.134.2.258

-If there aren’t any, the Url number is included. For example, http://cins.ankara.edu.tr/cansun.html

-If the original dates of the classical works are known, it should be given at the end of the reference: (Original work is dated 1846)

-If there are two authors with the same last name, they should be ordered alphabetically according to the first letter of their names, although the former one dates older.

Köker, E. (1998). Politikanın İletişimi İletişimin Politikası, Ankara: Vadi.

Köker, L. (2007). Hukuk Reformları Sürecinde Türkiye’nin İnsan Hakları Sorunu. İnsan Hakları Haberciliği, (comp.) Sevda Alankuş, İstanbul: IPS Vakfı.

-For books and reports, the place of publication and the publishers name is included in order; terms such as Publishers, Co., Inc., Books and Press are not used.

For example:

Ankara: İmge

New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill

Book with single author

Abisel, N. (2006). Sessiz Sinema. Ankara: Deki.

Corey, G. (1991). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.


Book with Many Authors

Corsini, R. J., & Wedding, D. (1989). Current psychotherapies. Illinois: F.E. Peacock Publishers Inc.

Edited Books

Özbek, M. (Ed.) (2005). Kamusal Alan. İstanbul: Hil.

Chapter in An Edited Book

Foskett, N. (1997). Teaching and learning through fieldwork. In D. Tilbury & M.Williams (Eds.), Teaching and learning geography (pp. 189-201). London:


Kejanlıoğlu, B. (2005). Medya Çalışmalarında Kamusal Alan Kavramı. Meral Özbek (Ed.), Kamusal Alan İçinde (s. 689-713). İstanbul: Hil.

            Book with More Than One Edition

            Strunk, W. Jr. & White, E. B. (2000). The Elements of Style (4th ed.). New York: Longman.

Smith, P. (2012). Cut to the chase: Online video editing and the Wadsworth constant (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: E & K Publishing.

Electronic Sources

The retrieved URL is included.


Electronic Journals

DOI (digital object identifier) number shall be included if there is any.

Von Ledebur, S. C. (2007). Optimizing knowledge transfer by new employees in companies. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. Advance online publication. doi: 1 0.1 057/palgrave.kmrp.8500141

            Multivolume Books

            Pflanze, O. (1963-1990). Bismarc and the Development of Germany (Vol. 1-3). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.   In-text: (Pflanze, 1963-1990)

Using Single Volume in Multivolume Books

Pflanze, O. (1990). The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898: Vol. 3. Bismarck and the Development of Germany. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


A Chapter Translated from A Book

Weber, M. (1958). The Protestan Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism. T. Parsons (Tra.). New York: Charles Scribner‟s Son. (1st ed. 1904-1905).

In-text: (Weber, 1904-1905/1958)

Articles with Single Author from Journals

Aktay, Y. (1999). Aklın Sosyolojik Soykütüğü: Soy Akıldan Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Akla Doğru. Toplum ve Bilim, 82, 114-140

Articles with Many Authors from Journals

Binark, F. M. & Çelikcan, P. (1998). Mahremin Müzakereye Çağrılması ve Yıldo Örneği. Kültür ve İletişim, 1 (2), 197-214.

Articles Published in Electronic Journals

Conway, P. (2003). Truth and reconciliation: The road not taken in Nambia. Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, 5 (1). (DOI number is inluded. If not, URL is included. http://www.trinstitute.org/ojpcr/5_1conway.htm)

Unpublished Dissertations, Posters, Papers

Sarı, E. (2008). Kültür Kimlik ve Politika: Mardin’de Kültürlerarasılık. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ankara Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.


Balkans: History. (1987). In Encyclopaedia Britannica (15. Ed. Vol. 14, p. 570-588). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Carruthers, E.P. (2002). Nursing. In Funk & Wagnalls new world encyclopedia. Retrieved from Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia database.

In-text: (Balkans: History, 1987)


Gerrymander. (2003). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (11th Ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster‟s.

In-text: (Gerrymander, 2003)

Samples for Tables and Figures

In-text tables shall be formed similar to the sample below according to its content. Title of the table will be placed on the top, left- aligned and bold.

Table 1: The First Letter of Each Word on the Table Heading Should Be Capitalised


















































Resource: Surname, Year: Page number.





Figure 1.1. Davis’in Bilişsel-Davranışsal Patolojik İnternet Kullanım Modeli


                Resource: Surname, Year: Page number.





Note: The figures and pictures should be at least dpi.

Principles of Publication Ethics

Journal of Aviation and Space Studies places premium on publication ethics and transparency. In this respect, abiding by the Principles of Academic Publishing and Sample Practices and the related items in Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines of the Council of Higher Education, which are adopted by the organizations such as Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), all the stakeholders are expected to correspond with the academical and ethical standards stated here and bare the ethical responsibilities. 

Authors are not charged a fee for submissions as the journal conforms to open-access and free academic publishing principles. 

All the content can be reached through Dergipark without any limitations or detention. 
Authors should read the following principals and the Manuscript Writing Rules of the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies carefully before submitting their manuscripts. 
The articles that do not comply with these principles and rules and those with more than % 20 similar score from the iThenticate plagiarism prevention software including the list of references, will be returned to the author(s).

Ethical Responsibilities of Author(s)

The submitted works of the authors should be original. In case of drawing upon the works of other author(s), the citing and referring should be done thoroughly. 
During the evaluation process the raw data related to the article might be claimed from the author(s). The authors must be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial and science board on such an occasion. 
Authors must possess documents showing that they had implemented the procedures to have a right to use the data and the permissions related to the research/ analysis or subjects. 

The authors are liable to inform the editor or the publisher of the journal, to make the corrections or collaborate with the editor during the withdrawal in case of an identification of a mistake or an error whether on the published work, online format or in the process of evaluation.

Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published, considered for publication or submitted for publication in another journal. Each submission can be started after completing the former submission. An article published in another journal cannot be submitted to Journal of Aviation and Space Studies. 
After a manuscript has been submitted, it is not possible for authors to be added or removed or for the order of authors to be changed.

Ethical Responsibilities and Tasks of Editors 

The editor of Journal of Aviation and Space Studies and the subject editors must possess the ethical duties and responsibilities stated in “COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” which are published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as an open access.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

A blind peer review policy is applied to the evaluation process of Journal of Aviation and Space Studies. Reviewers cannot directly contact with the author(s); evaluations and the comments are sent through Manuscript Handling System. In this process, the editors send the reviewers’ comments on the evaluation forms and the full texts to the author. Reviewers should only accept evaluating the works related to their area of specialization. They should make the evaluations objectively and confidentially. 

In case of feeling any conflict of interest, reviewers should decline the evaluation and inform the Editor-in-Chef.

Within the privacy policy, the reviewers must depose the works after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of these works after they are published. 

Reviewers should carry out the evaluations objectively by only focusing on the content. They should not allow his/her views regarding the nationality, gender, religion, politics or commercial concerns interfere with the evaluation. 

He/she should use a constructive and courteous language and avoid the subjective comments containing hostility, slander or insult. 

He/she should carry out the evaluation in a timely manner with the ethical responsibilities stated above. 

If You Encounter an Unethical Situation

If you encounter an unethical situation or a content in the Journal of Aviation and Space Studies besides the ethical responsibilities declined above, please inform us via jass@thk.edu.tr. The editorial board investigates the situations. The editorial board has the right to notify the ethical committees. 

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